Configuring Shared Link Settings for the Everyone Group

To configure shared link settings for all users in the deployment, edit the Everyone user group.


Shared link settings configured for individual user groups override the settings configured for the Everyone user group.

To configure shared link settings for the Everyone user group:

  1. In the User Groups administration view, click the Everyone user group. The Edit User Group screen is displayed.
  2. In the Minimum Access Security drop-down list, select the minimum access security level for shared links.

    For information about security options, see Security Options for Shared Links.

    • No Restrictions: No additional security is required for shared links.

    • Custom Password: Shared links use the Custom Password security option.

    • Email Access Code: Shared links use the Email Access Code security option.

  3. In the Maximum Expiration Duration drop-down list, specify the maximum amount of time for links to remain active.
    • No Maximum: Select No Maximum to allow links to remain active indefinitely.

    • Days: Select Days to set a maximum number of days for shared links to remain active. In the Days field, enter the maximum number of days. The number of days cannot exceed 999.

  4. Click Update when finished.