Viewing User Accounts

Site Administrators and User Administrators can view all user accounts within the deployment. To view a list of users, click the Users tile or select Users from the sidebar.

The list displays user information in the following columns:




The user's display name and email address. If the account is locked, a lock is displayed next to the name.


The administrative roles assigned to the user.

Total File Usage

The total disk space used by this user's files.

This value includes only documents and revisions the user has created. It does not include documents that have been shared with the user or transferred to the user. It also does not include documents or revisions that have been purged from ShareBase.

Number of Files

The total number of documents the user currently has stored in ShareBase.

This value includes only documents the user has created. It does not include documents that have been shared with the user, transferred to the user, or purged from ShareBase. It also does not include revisions the user has added to existing documents.

Last Login

The last time the user logged in to ShareBase. If the value is a date, rest your pointer over the date to display both the date and time.

Click a column heading to change the sort order.