Navigation Pane

The navigation pane is displayed on the left side of the screen. If the navigation pane is not displayed, you can access it by clicking the menu button in the upper-left corner:

Use the navigation pane to access the pages described in the following table:



My Files

Displays your personal library. Click a folder to view its contents.


Displays folders and documents that you have designated as favorites.

Shared With Me

Displays libraries, folders, and documents that have been shared with you.

Recently Viewed

Displays documents you have recently viewed.

My Tasks

Displays information about tasks assigned to you and tasks you have created. If you are assigned to active tasks, the number of tasks assigned to you is displayed in the navigation pane. For more information, see Tasks.

Deleted Items

Displays folders and documents you have deleted. These items have not yet been purged. For more information, see Viewing Deleted Items.

The navigation pane also displays the total number of documents you have created and the size of your personal library.