Changing Notification Settings for a Folder or Document
If you have the appropriate rights, you can receive update notifications when other users work on a specific folder or document.
To start receiving updates:
Open the folder or document.
Open a folder if you want to receive updates on all documents you own within the folder, including changes to the folder itself. You will not receive updates for documents other users own within the folder. Ownership is attributed to the user who added the document.
Open a document if you want to receive updates for that document only.
In the information pane, click the Configure Notifications icon.
- Select Start Receiving Updates if you are not currently receiving updates for the folder or document.
Under Notify me on, select the actions for which you want to receive notifications.
You will receive notifications only when another user performs the selected action.
The Previews option applies to documents only. If you select Previews, you will receive a notification every time a user opens the documents you are subscribing to.